Monday, December 10, 2012

Where Have You Been?

Hi, I know it's been more than a year not to write again here.
Feels like forever..
I miss you so much my blog!!! *kissalot*

The funniest thing is my last post was also about why I didn't write too for a long time.
OMG, I'm that lazy huh?

Okay, let's start a new day.. I'm gonna explain what I've been doing for a year.
Let's do it fast..

I continued my study to Profession Level for 'Ners' title...(ahh those crazy times, tasks, and of course the EXAMS!!!)
Helloooooow, these are Medical-Surgical Nursing Stage :o
I was graduated on last September...
Graduation, Family Picture!
and (without any intentions) I got this... tee-hee-hee-hee...
Do you see something there? I give you a hint, it's like 2 words started with C and ended with E!
Had a little trip for a 'vacation' after those crazy times during the Profession Stages to Tidung Island...
Tidung Island is a great place to visit, but it's visited by a lot of tourists nowadays, and become quite dirrrrty!!
And finally this is my cutie online shop, for babies' and yours! (^0^)b
click for more information Pick-A-Boo | @shopickaboo | FPage (like it please ;D)

It seems like this blog only to resume my activities after I disappeared for a long time *sigh*
Well, with a little hope I try to do it better from now on.

Last, there is one thing I learned this year..
"If you want something, try to get it. No matter how hard it seems, it will be easier if you try even just a little step!"
That's what I believed when Profession Stages was haunting my days. And look what I've got.
At first I felt so desperate because it's very scary when you have to take some blood from a real, REAL, R-E-A-L person or put in an IV-Line to someone who's dying. Or any others activities that you can imagine in the hospital (including stay awake in a hospital ward in the middle of the night, IMAGINE THAT! Oh well, yes I think it's a scary thing to do!)

I believe that nothing too big when you have GOD and believe that HE will help you in every difficult times.

And I did that...

Lotsa Love,
ooohh, I must forgot how fun this blogging could be!
And 2012 will be over soon!!!!
Have you got all your resolution lists that you made for this year yet?
Me? Umm..let me think..ummm..

And two more days is 12-12-12
Do you believe in something that will happen? I'm not so sure :D

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